Girl Scout Badgework

In addition to the super fun Oyster Art Badge Workshop which you complete while in Savannah, take advantage of this wonderful trip to start some other Girl Scout badgework. Plan to finish the badges at home. Here are a few suggestions for Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors.

Brownie Badges

Complete 3 steps for the My Great Day badge. Use an alarm (clock) on your trip (step 1). Organize the clothes you brought for this trip (step 2). Make a schedule of activities for the day (step 3).

Three steps can be completed for the Outdoor Art Creator badge. Observe the things you see when walking through a park or square (step 1). Use a leaf that has fallen on the ground to make a leaf rubbing (step 2). Pick something tiny in nature and take a close up picture of it. Look for a blade of grass, a leaf or a flower petal (step 4).

Junior Girl Scout Badges

Start the Gardener badge by visiting a garden (step 1). You will see many garden areas in Savannah’s parks and squares. The Savannah Botanical Garden has both formal and natural plantings. There are private gardens in the Historic District that can be viewed from the sidewalk. After a garden visit sketch a special garden design of your own to complete step 2.

The Playing The Past badge should be considered since you will be visiting the oldest city in Georgia. Savannah was established in 1733. There will be many opportunities through touring and visiting museums to learn how girls lived in Savannah over the years. In addition, you will be learning about the history of Girl Scouts.

Cadette Girl Scout Badges

Start the Book Artist badge by viewing a book collection (step 1). You will see a Girl Scout Handbook collection and other books at the Juliette Gordon Low House. The Chatham County Public Library on Bull Street may be another option. You can visit an antique book seller (step 2). There are many antique shops and used book stores in Savannah. And, take a little time to start a scrap book, memory book or journal to use for step 4.

Savannah is known for its food scene so it may be time to start the New Cuisines badge. Visit stores like the Salt Table or Savannah Bee Company to see specialty ingredients to compete step 1. Look at the menus posted outside of restaurants and pick an item to fix when you get home (step 2). You may want to try it first while you are here! Bring back a historical recipe from this region and fix it at home (step 3).

Savannah is the perfect setting to start the Trees badge. Take a walk through a Savannah square or park and identify the trees. Make a tree map of the trees planted there (step 1). Sketch or take a photograph of a leaf, tree or tree landscape (step 3). Or write a poem about the trees you’ve seen (another option for step 3).

Senior Girl Scout Badges

Begin your work on the Collage Artist badge with a visit to a gallery or museum to look for collage art (step 1). Don’t forget the ShopSCAD store on Bull Street. They feature SCAD student art. Collect items from your trip to create a collage diary. You can use these items when putting your collage together (step 2). Create your collage theme (step 5).

Eat local for the Locavore badge. Savannah has a vibrant restaurant scene and many use locally sourced foods. Visit a restaurant that uses locally sourced foods and ask your server where their local food sources come from. You might even get to speak to the chef! (step 1) Bring a Savannah or low country recipe home to recreate with your own local ingredients (step 3). Visit the Farmers Market in Forsyth Park on Saturday mornings and talk with the local farmers (step 4).

Ambassador Girl Scout Badges

Three steps can be completed for the Outdoor Art Master badge. Make an outdoor sculpture by lashing sticks found on the ground in one of Savannah’s parks (step 2). Palm tree sticks are very interesting forms to try to use. Step 3 asks you to turn nature into music. Record different kinds of outdoor sounds and mix them with your favorite music. Make a visual diary of photos or videos over a period of time for step 4. Think about sunrises and sunsets or even shorter periods of time.

Four steps can be completed for the Water badge. Take a walk along Tybee beach or the Savannah River (step 1). Enjoy the fountains in Savannah parks and squares. Capture you experience visually or through prose or poetry and share (step 2). Visit the Tybee Marine Science Center to learn about endangered marine life (step 3) and talk to a marine scientist about how they are helping ocean life. (step 4).