
The Moneyville platform is THE destination for Girl Scouts to earn badges using online tools. Troop leaders also rely on VicTreeFi content to help plan troop activities.

Girl Scouts can complete all required badge steps with our on-demand courses or live workshops. Courses can be completed individually or as a troop. One of our most famous live workshops is named First National Girl Scout Bank. During this workshop, Girl Scouts serve on the Board of Directors of First National Girl Scout Bank – and earn multiple badges!

We love partnering with councils across the country, but are especially excited to work with the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia! Make sure to stop by their downtown office when you visit Savannah!

Create vision boards to learn financial literacy.

Check out a few projects that our Girl Scouts have completed (pictured above)!

Girl Scouts have created vision boards to highlight goals, budgeted to buy an outfit for school, created a crest for the city of Moneyville, and built an airplane…to name a few!

Check Out a Few of Our Virtual Courses

Daisy Money Explorer

Girl Scouts will practice using money for purchases. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. Expect to complete fun projects and submit them to the VicTreeFi team for review.

Brownie Budget Builder

Girl Scouts will create a budget and apply it to their own values and habits. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. Once completed fun projects are submitted to the VicTreeFi team for review.

Junior Budget Maker

Girl Scouts will learn how to create a budget based on values. Girl Scouts will also learn about financial services available. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. After completion projects will be submitted to the VicTreeFi team for review.

Cadette Budget Manager

Girl Scouts will explore their values and spending habits to create a budget for their lifestyles. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. Expect to complete fun projects and submit them to the VicTreeFi team for review.

Senior Savvy Saver

Girl Scouts will discover the ins and outs of income and learn additional budgeting tips. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. Expect to complete fun projects and submit them to the VicTreeFi team for review.

Ambassador Financial Planner

Girl Scouts learn about credit cards and loans. Girl Scouts will make a commitment to financial responsibility. During this self-paced, digital course, Girl Scouts will follow along with VicTreeFi’s founder, Chrissy, as she discusses smart financial practices. Expect to complete fun projects and submit them to the VicTreeFi team for review.